Saturday, December 25, 2010


I was complaining how my sister was rude about the bra I wore for Christmas dinner to Keith tonight. He replied, "Is that because she was mad that M [her boyfriend] was staring at them?"

I replied: "HE WAS WHAT??!"

Which clearly demonstrates: I am COMPLETLEY clueless when it comes to guys. Completely. Sorry Becky, but next time please date someone who's more respectful to you than one that stares at your sister's tits at Christmas. Jeez.

Keith did super well on gifts this year. Actually, both him & his dad did. I made out like a bandit:
-Katy Perry CD Teenage Dream. (I only listen to CD's in the car when I drive alone, and Katy Perry is awesome driving music.)
-MASSIVE Mistletoe scented Yankee Candle.
- 50$ gift certificate to Starbucks.
-50$ gift certificate to Old Navy. (Keith).
-75$ gift certificate to Chapters
- Novel, Open Doors by Gloria Goldreich.
- Blue cable hoody sweater from Old Navy.(Keith's dad).

See? I got SPOILED.

Other funny stories: We got Harry wiper blades, and wrapped them separately. After he opened the first one, we told him we couldn't afford the second one, but hey. Here's one, sorry, go buy the second one. HE BELIEVED US.

I nearly died.

I realized this Christmas Keith is going to be super fun to have kids with. He comes up with stuff I would never think of - like Christmas Eve, we were discussing Norad's tracking Santa deal, and how cute it was for the kids, and he said, "oooh, you could just go; See? Santa's in England, its time to get to bed!!" He is BRILLIANT. I would have never thought of saying that!! LOL.
And today; he wrapped one of my gift cards in a big box, and actually put a spoon and screws in the box so it 'rattled' if I shook it. Seriously! Where does someone come up with stuff like that?

He's awesome.
I love.

How was your Christmas?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas wish

Dear life:

Could you possibly find it within yourself to stop kicking me?

It's hard & it hurts, and I'm already down. To keep doing it is just cruel.

You big bully.

Piss off and die;

Monday, December 13, 2010

Who knew?

Playing around with linen combinations could be pretty fun?

Which of these combinations looks best? Also, 2 things: the napkin rings will be orange, I just couldn't find any offered, and there will be a black/brown lantern as a centerpiece.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

101 reasons surgery was worth it.

I did it!
First major milestone reached!
50% of the way there.
Extremely happy :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm not that bad, honest.

Keith says I'll be exactly like the bride in this ad on our wedding day.

I promised him I wouldn't be...but trust me, the thought of it is tempting! :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This morning

Keith (trying to screw on the lid of his B12):
I can't get it to close! Why isn't this closing?

Me, peering at it:
You're probably just overthinking it.

Keith (still trying, his movements becoming slightly more frantic):
It just won't go! This is really weird! Why can't I do this?

(I pick up the bottle, look at the lid, put the lid of B12 on the multi-vitamin bottle, and the lid of the multi-vitamin on the B12 bottle - whaddya know, both of them close properly).
See? I told you you were overthinking it.

Keith (sheepish):
Oh. Thanks.