Why is it, whenever I complain I'm not feeling great, the person to whom I've complained to asks automatically if I'm pregnant?? I've noticed this happening with more frequency since my 20th birthday, and it totally perplexes me that someone would automatically assume this is the cause of my ailment. This particular situation also occurs when I, usually overcome with some good news, exclaim to Person X, "Guess What?!" Person X, more often than not, replies with "You're pregnant." Uh, no. I was going to tell you I got an A on that final project I was worried about, actually? Because, no offense or anything, but [good] marks and grades are what turns my crank these days, not the possibility of nurturing life inside me for nine months.
Besides, give me some credit here, but news of an impeding child (at this point of my life) wouldn't be conveyed in joyous tones of a "Guess What?!"
It would be more than likely conveyed in a tone of an ashen whisper, with the words "I am fucked."
Think about it. I'm young, I don't have a steady guy, I'm halfway through finishing my schooling, I have debt coming out of my ears, etc etc. NOT the ideal situation to bring a child into the world with. But anyway, that's besides the point, really.
The point is that the assumption in itself is just plain rude, as it implies that I'm careless, stupid, or a slut (of which, I assure you, when it comes to matters such as these, I am most definitely not), and to me, it's slightly disturbing. It really shouldn't be an issue. Why is it the first thing people think of? Has anyone else ever encountered this phenomenon? Do people ever stop assuming as you get older, or does it get worse? (Oh please, don't let it get worse, I can barely stand it as it is).
For the record, it's been 17.5 hours since my last smoke. Can't talk too much about it or else I start to crave, but other than that no side-effects other than a bit of fuzzy-headedness (which could be tied to my sleeping patterns, and not at all to the fact that I've been lacking in nicotine for nearly a full day). Don't know if this means I'm quitting, although probably not. Although it's comforting to come to the realization that most of the smoking I do is merely habitual, not to feed an addiction. So that's good news. :)
Sorry Hun, it gets worse the older you get.
Two examples in the last few days: I asked a work colleague if they had heard my good news (about my career) and they answered "Oh my god, congratulations! When's it due?" and hugged me before I had a chance to put them straight. :S
Example two: my friend Miriam went home after throwing up yesterday afternoon and even though she is like me, a self confessed no baby zone, everyone is still asking if she is pregnant. There are so many bugs going around at the moment people!!! Just cos you throw up doesn't mean you are popping a sprog!!!!!
Um, yeah, if you haven't noticed I hate this phenomina too.
I hate it too...and I WANT to be pregnant lol.
It def gets worse as you get older, even worse when you're in a stable relationship and after you're married it's horrific.
People dont even stop when it's clear you dont want kids or cant have kids. I guess the only thing we can do is make sure we arent guilty of it ourselves and therefore give someone else a break?
Ugh, just as I feared. I wish there was a nice little one-liner you could say that would just settle the issue when they ask :(
Heather - I never fall prey to asking that, because I know how it makes me feel and wouldn't wish it on anyone. So I'm always concious of not jumping to that conclusion.
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