Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I got this idea I'm blatantly stealing this from one of my favourite blogs - Mary Beth over at Snare the World in Words. Basically it's a 30 questions in 30 days challenge with some pretty interesting questions (we all know how the last one went, so lets see if I can do better!) If you want to play along, find the daily prompts here.

Day 1 - your current relationship; if single discuss how single life is.

Since this entire blog is about our relationship, I'm finding it hard to say anything I haven't said before. And when I think about describing it, all that comes to mind is the tired old cliche that relationships are work. Sometimes not very hard work at all, mind you, but still work.

I don't really know what to add - we love each other, we're committed to each other, and we're supportive of each other. That's it. And it's everything.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I totally love doing things like this but I just dont have the time right now...so I will try to give a comment a post for the month here with my thoughts. That way you get comments and I can play catch up when I need to lol.

Current relationship status: Very happily married, with the odd day of "OMG MEN ARE STUPID, WHY DID I MARRY SUCH AN IDIOT!?" thrown in lol. You'll see! :P