Monday, September 24, 2007

(Surprisingly!) Revealing Meme.

* I got this off of Just Mom's blog. *

I don't drink. Well, yeah, actually, I do. Quite a bit, in fact, although lately I'm finding that I actually can go out and have a few drinks and not have to get smashed every time (it's a bloody revelation, believe you me!). For non alcoholic drinks; chilled tap water, Danasi strawberry flavoured water, hot tea with sugar, Iced Cappuccinos (made with chocolate milk), Sprite & Barq's are among my top picks.

Chore I hate: Doing dishes by hand. uggggh! It's seriously a never-ending task. But then I realize I've been letting my roommate do them for the last 2 weeks (when they're mostly mine) and I feel really guilty.

Pets? Yes. oh yes. Thank you, whoever you might be (up there), for making such perfect, tiny beings, with just the right amount of heartbreaking-sweetness-and-cute, mixed with equal parts spunk & mischievousness, super cuddly, purr-y kittens who, just simply, love you. I have 9/10 week old black-and-white kitten who makes my heart smile every time I look at him. He's seriously my baby, except I don't treat him like one. I'm completely smitten.

Essential electronics: Computer, speakers... Would a watch count? My cell, but that's because it's the only phone I have. Um..oh, and I'm also grateful for printers today. ;-)

Perfume: While I was in France (many years ago now) I discovered this absolutely stunning, gorgeously smelling perfume. I think it was called "baissé" ? In any case, it smelled like you had just bitten into a nice juicy ripe pear and could taste it explode in your mouth, and the scent stayed on my coat for ages and ages afterwards.
I also love Calgon Body Mists' - particularly Tahitian Orchid & mmmm, orange pop! - and I'm hopefully starting to amass what will be an extensive collection of Demeter Fragrance Library Cologne Sprays - I have Gingerale & Sex on the Beach so far. Gingerale is my favourite though.

Gold or silver? White gold, and then silver, please.

Insomnia: Oh, yes. Very, very much. Hence why I got only *counts in head* approximately 12 hours of sleep or so this entire weekend? Tired doesn't even begin to cover it. I'm so sleep-deprived I feel like my head is floating off my neck out into space. Only the sharp, shooty-stabby pains I get whenever I move my neck assures me that it is, in fact, still attached to the rest of my body.

Job title: Perpetual Fuckup, if you're listening to my mother. Student, if you're listening to the government. Just plain, quirky, lil' ol' me, if you're listening to yours truly.

Trait you most admire in other people?
Not being afraid to express yourself, or just simply be you. Standing up for what you believe in. Perseverance, a sense of humour (the ability to laugh at yourself - and the world around you - is really something to be proud of, in my opinion) Being of quick wit and sound mind. Intelligence, in any way/shape/form. Having the ability to express yourself artistically, somehow, whether that be photography, playing an instrument, writing, constructing clay pots, composing a symphony, fingerpainting, whatever it is. Having strong convictions, yet at the same time having an open mind. Being really, truly, unconditionally accepting.

Kids? Maybe someday, but not of my own flesh & bone. I really want to adopt my little ones when the time comes. There are too many children out there who need someone to care, love, teach & raise them without adding any of my own DNA to the pile.

Phobia? I don't really have a phobia of anything. I don't think.

Religion? I had the faint inklings of it, once. I'm still searching; I don't think you ever stop. Although I know I can never go back to the Catholic church, because I disagree with the way they run things, I do love the ritualistic aspect of it and it's been my family's-religion-for-generations, so I'm not quite ready - nor will I ever be, I suspect - to try out a new way. Catholicism, for me, is like slipping on a well-worn, well-cared for, denim-and-fleece-lined jacket. Comforting. Warm. Safe. You don't wear it all the time, but whenever you do, it's because you need to, or just want to feel that familiar comfort against your skin. It always fits you perfectly, it always welcomes you back with open arms, as if you've never left it. My mother has always told me I'm quite spiritual (if not religious). Spiritual is good. I can deal with that.

Siblings: Oh man, you ready for this? That I know of, I have 2 adoptive brothers, Jed (1975-1985) and Jesse (1978). Then I have a beautiful, quirky, wonderfully unique, apple-of-my-eye little half-sister, Becky, (1989, same mom, different father, adopted into the same family), and then I have a half-brother, Benjamin (oh dear, I don't know, late 90s?) and half-sister, Emma (3 years younger than Ben) that I've never met, children my birth-mother had later in life, when she was ready. As for siblings on my birth-fathers side, I don't know if I have any. I really don't.

Time I wake up: I think a more appropriate question would be, "When do I sleep?!" Usually I try to get up 2 hours (if I want to shower) before my class starts - at the very latest, an hour & a half beforehand (reading all the blogs I do takes a good chunk of time - about 20 minutes - of my morning routine, plus Facebook and Blackboard and...well, you get the picture!)

Unusual talent/skill: I don't know if this qualifies, but I read faster than anyone else I've ever met. Other than that, I'm pretty much just your wonderful, just-so-average girl who's of the young adult, college-aged persuasion. Nothing special or quirky to see here, folks. Move along now. :-)
Vegetables I hate: Mushrooms. And onions. ewwww. First off, why do we eat pieces of fungi? That's just really, really gross. Beyond disgusting, really. I don't really have a reason for not liking onions - I just don't like them, point blank. I refuse to eat these two things at all times (I've even thought of saying I'm deathly allergic so I'll be SURE to never be served it).....

Worst habit? Chain-smoking. Drinking intoxicating beverages too often in voluminous quantities. Being slightly too impulsive, instant-gratification-seeking, omgosh-I-don't-want-to-wait-give-me-my-reward-NOW-driven. Over-eating. Emotional eating. Eating when I'm not even remotely hungry. Not eating anything at all. Facebooking all hours of the day (and night). Skipping far, far, far too many classes. Spending too much time (excessive amounts, really) sitting my ass in this chair, staring at the screen, all day long. Not listening to my emotions often enough when it comes to affairs of boys & girls. Or my conscience.

X-rays: Abdominal & lungs when I had my appendix removed and then my lungs collapsed afterwards at age 12. Teeth at the dentists, numerous times.

My favorite meal(s): Open-faced tomato sandwiches, (white toast with mayo) sprinkled with salt. A bag of Romaine salad mix, tossed with Hidden Valley Ranch dressing and Herb & Garlic croutons. Rare-to-medium-rare steak with mashed potato and mixed veggies. A restaurant-style, big, fat, juicy hamburger with all the toppings. Spaghetti with a thick tomato-and-ground-beef sauce. Cheese and bacon porgies, sliced fried potatoes with veggies, with a few squirts of Roasted Garlic Mayo on top. McDonald's Egg & Sausage McMuffins and their hash browns. Fluffy buttermilk pancakes (or waffles! or crepes!), topped high with strawberries, whipped cream and maple syrup with a side of sausage links and a glass of chocolate milk. Mangoes. Fruity, super-fresh Frozen yogurt. Gelato. Sushi. Nearly any kind of seafood. A properly done Poutine (fresh hot fries, topped with cheese curds and gravy. yes, i know, that's practically asking a heart attack to strike you down, but it's really good. Honest. Everything in moderation, right?). Oh, and simply cannot forget my absolute favourite: a Chicken Shawarma with extra garlic, lettuce, extra tomatoes, pickles, turnips and just a smidgeon of even more garlic, all wrapped up in a flour tortilla and served hot.


Anonymous said...

It's 7 minutes til my lunch break and I am starving so reading your mouthwatering favourite meals list was a very big mistake! I am sure if you listen hard enough, you could probably hear my tummy rumbling over there in canuck land. *drools*


Heather said...

Thank goodness I'm not alone in my love of McDonalds sausage and egg mcmuffins! :P

sarah said...

KB - oops, my apologies. haha. what did you end up getting for lunch?

Heather - are you kidding?! They're like little bursts of sunshine in my mouth with every bite! (Un)fortunately, I live across the street from a McD's....and they open at 5am for breakfast....everytime I'm having one of my insominac nights it's a struggle not to go over there and indulge myself! :(

Rachael said...

ooh i adore poutine. just love it. haven't had it since my sophomore year of college, sadly enough. and you're a super speedy reader like me! yay! a fellow friend. how did yours develop? (mine was from never ever watching tv as a child)