Today I actually went to class - three cheers for me! And they were good classes too - in Civil Pro we went over how to do Title Proceedings, which is the legal names of the parties involved in the suit at the beginning of the document - and they're all different according to category (say you had a minor, without a Litigation Guardian, suing an estate with a will - it'd look something like this, informally:IMA WHINE, an infant by her Litigation Guardian, the Children's Lawyer
- and -
STAN TALL, Estate Trustee with a will of the Estate of Rich Moneybags)
Formally all you add is the Court, Court File #, titles of Plaintiff & Defendant, and the title of the document (i.e. Statement of Claim). So we did a 5-page worksheet on it during class - I'm nearly done, just need to read up on how to title Sole Proprietorship's and 3-party suits.
Then, in Corporate, she gave us nearly the entire class to work on our Corporate Phase I assignment - I wasn't there when it was assigned though so I had to familiarise myself with it. Basically, we work for a fictitious lawfirm (mine is Daly, Colbert, Stewart LLP, which I thought was hilarious) and a business wants to go from being a partnership to an incorporation, so you need to prepare all the documents needed for them to do that. It's all kept in a binder called a "Minute Book". There's three Phases to the assignment in total.
Anyway, I finished it in just over an hour & a half, thankfully! We're supposed to actually take it down to the Courthouse (or is it City Hall? Must ask) to present it to get it pseudo-"incorporated", starting Monday. Eeep!!! I'm thinking getting it done on Thursday?
We even have to keep 'timesheets' the way legal professionals do it - a couple of my classmates and I joked it was "fake-billing" - most law firms keep track of time in 6 minute intervals and then round off to one digit, so I 'billed' 1.5 today. It's fun stuff! lol.
I have 3 mid-terms next week. Eeeep!!! Intellectual Property on Monday, Landlord & Tenant on Tuesday (open book exam, oh how I love thee so!) and Civil Pro on Friday, and two the next week in Accounting and Corporate. Already had my Public Admin midterm (thank heaven for small mercies).
Plans for the weekend include cleaning this apartment top to bottom (even the floors) studying for Intellectual Property and doing Activity #4 for Public Admin. Doesn't that sound like fun?!
PS: I just checked out starting salaries for my position based on my city - basically the median is 43,789$....that's 31,341$ more a year than what I survive on now.....woaaaah!!! lol.
Ooooh, and I figured out last night that I get the BBCk channel...I adore British television in general, so I've now added "Little Britain" to my viewing schedule. I absolutely LOVE Little Britain, I think its right-piss funny. Sooo glad I get it!
PPS: Don't ask me why I'm up at 4am. it's not worth mentioning.