just finished watching this weeks episode of Grey's Anatomy: Love/Addiction.....
wow. as a former addict I identified so much with this episode, but I'm not going to get into that.
it was also one of the best episodes I've seen in a really long time from Grey's - just the right mixture of humorous and heartbreaking....I was laughing out loud at some parts, and my heart literally broke when Callie was begging George to just "not say anything, not tonight" because she suspects George is having an affair (he isn't, but he IS telling her the marriage is over, because he "loves" Izzie...ugh) and she just cannot take it right now so please, George, don't say anything. and she's nearly crying and I have a lump in my throat and my eyes are all teary and my heart is, literally, aching and I just want to reach into my screen and give Callie a really huge tight hug and tell her it's okay to just let go and let it all out - cry, scream, break things, cry some more, just let. it. out.
ah man, now thats some great TV.
I can't believe George is going to do all that to Callie! She looked so broken! I officially hate George right now. He was okay, then he messed up, and then when he got Callie he was okay again, and now hes going to ruin that?!
Poor Poor Callie...
I, myself, hate Izzie with a passion. A PASSION.
fuck her, what kind of "best friend" is she?!?
George is nearly as bad, but not really, cuz Izzie started this whole thing - if she hadn't gone "oh george, by the way, i love you and break up with your wife and omg you gotta cuz I LOVE YOU" then George would have gone on and been with Callie and, maybe, JUST MAYBE, would have tried to work things out with her instead of running into Izzie's arms!!
My heart is breaking for Callie; she's one of my fav characters on the show, to be honest. I LOVE HER. so much. and I hate what they're doing to her - its just not fair. At all.
Watching tonight?
Definitely watching tonight. If George doesn't come to his senses I will SCREAM! Callie is awesome! Of course, if she ended up with a better man it wouldn't be that harsh, but I'd still hate George forever.
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