Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christmas Wish List

this song always makes me want to dance around. I'm lovin her new stuff:

I want to see this movie in theatres:

I, too, believe in music like some people belong in fairytales. And Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is FREAKING hawt. *drool*

This one looks super super cute. SO want to see this!

Not too sure that I want to see this anymore, based on this review. But I'm think yes, just because it's beowulf.

I want this coat for Christmas.

Or this one.
This is what is required to fix my computer. I also want it for Christmas.

And another thing I want but am too lazy to go searching for all four of them, is my posters!! They shipped on the 6th of November, they should be here already! Grr!

EDIT: Just after finishing this post, I went downstairs to check the mail. Guess what was waiting for me in the slot?? MY POSTERS!! FINALLY!!

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