I'm sitting in bed with the laptop in front of me. My kitty is on his own special pillow (okay, so he's a bit spoiled, sue me) next to me, just like he is every night. Some nights we snuggle right close to each other; sometimes he gets fed up with my shifting around and goes to lay on the pillow (and some mornings he even settles in to groom my face something fierce - the trick is not to open your eyes, I swear). It's really sweet. And, in case you're wondering, which I'm sure you aren't, but I'm going to tell you anyway - the pillow in question is a pink fuzzy-covered Dora pillow. Why a nearly 21 year old has a pink fuzzy Dora pillow is something we're not going to get into - besides, I'm more of a SpongeBob Squarepants kind of girl in any case ;) Kitty is also getting to the point where I can point to it and say "PILL-ow" in a semi-stern voice and he obediently settles down onto it, as long as I'm on the bed next to it. Also très cute.
Because my bed is right underneath an (open) window, my whole right arm is pretty close to being frozen solid. It's -2 (that's Celsius people) right now....freaking cold to be sleeping underneath an open window in a tank top, but hey, I'm tough. And my duvet, once I snuggle properly underneath it, more than makes up for the fact that its below freezing outside. Also, the breeze feels good against my face, especially when I'm facing away from it ;-)
In a second I'm gonna hafta crawl out of bed to turn down my radio, which is currently playing the local country music station...it's pretty much the only commercial radio station we have that I can stand to listen to without wanting to claw my ears out 90% of the time. I just wish it would sense when I need it to be turned down automatically without me having to to get out of bed and do it manually, because I'm just super-lazy like that. I hope they play that song I've had in my head all day but don't know the name of, and also "How Bout Them Cowgirls?" by George Strait - my two favourite songs at the moment (despite the absolutely horrendous use of grammar in the title).
I realize I'm rambling, but surely you all realize that the health of my right arm is at stake here? If I stop typing, I'm sure it's going to seize up completely and be able to snap right off at the rotator cuff. And since I have this blog and this one to catch up on, I type a bit, then tab over and read a bit. Type, tab, read. Excuse me a moment....
I told you that my sleeping into 2pm would come back to bite me in the ass, didn't I? Hencewhy I'm typing this entry at 2am while lying in bed. Okay, the time has come to finally get out of bed and cross the room to turn down my music to sleeping level. Mostly because I just want to listen to this:
Over and over again. It's not the actual video for the song, but that's not really important for the purpose of this exercise. To me it's such an incredibly romantic song. I don't know why - it just speaks to me.
Side note: it is currently freezing raining outside...and I really need to stop before my arm falls off, typing or not.
Oh, one last thing - as of tonight, I think I've made the choice to be single for now. Of course, due the past history and my fickle nature, this could change within a day or so....I'm really confused right now about a bunch of things, and while its not want I want to do, its something that's the right thing to do. Pffft. Sometimes I hate being a grown-up.
PS: of course it has to turn out that the moment I post this entry, the song I've been waiting to hear the entire time I've been writing it comes on the radio. Whats a girl to do but get out of bed again and crank the radio? And then scramble to access the radio's website "listen live" feature to find out the name of the song - which *drum roll please....* "Fell Right Into You" by Jessie Farrell. Necessary youtube video posting right here:
And you know how I said it was freezing raining? Forget the raining part, it's full-on snowing out there. It's just melting as it hits the ground. Whew! I'm not quite ready (okay, lets face it, I'm never ready) for full-on full-blown snow at this moment.
PPS: Crap. I just looked again and the snow is actually sticking now. *cue long wail of utter despair* Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
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