Here's 6 little not-so-well known (I think?) quirks about myself: Enjoy!
1) I have a thing with owning black and white (specifically, tuxedo) cats.
All four cats that I have had the pleasure of owning at different points in my life have had tuxedo markings, and I don't think I will own a cat with a different marking pattern. When I was searching for Elvis, I specifically looked for black-and-white kittens. I don't know why - I just find B&W cats to be the most aesthetically pleasing, personally.
2) I describe myself as 'chronically single' and deep down believe I will stay that way for the majority of my life.
I'm 20 (nearly 21) years old and have not had a relationship last me past 7 months. Granted, I've had alot of stuff happen to me so far that isn't really conductive to keeping a relationship going longterm, but if I'm being quite honest, I'm beginning to think there's something, if not wrong, at least a little off, about this lack of ability.
3) I did 3 years as a Girl Guide & 1 year as a Pathfinder.
Yep, I was a good ol' Girl Guide! Wasn't really into the badges aspect, but I REALLY adored the camping and hiking parts of it (and I arguably lived in the best part of the country for those things:P). Except for when we went Winter Camping and we had to set up our canvas tents (with no floors!) in the pouring rain, or the time I woke up to find a really big and nasty looking bug inches from my face! EW! Oh, and I detested selling the cookies - I would just give my box of cookies to my Dad and he would take them to work and sell them for me. Thanks Daddy!
4) I often get new music to listen to from TV commercials.
It takes a little work to find the right song, but if I really like it, I search for it on goo*gle and then download it. Two memorable songs have been the iPod commercial where they're salsa dancing (song is "Mi Swing Es Tropical" by Nickodemus & Quantic featuring Tempo) and the Chevrolet Equinox commercial (song is "The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson). Telus also has some pretty cute and catchy tunes to their advertisements. I also cannot spell the word commercial to save my life - thank goodness for spellcheck!
4.5) I also secretly love songs from Disney movies (shhh!)
Mulan, Pocahontas, Beauty & The Beast, Little Mermaid, Hercules, (and the list goes on)....all great movies, amazing soundtracks. Don't know why I like them so much, they're cheesy and meant for 8 year olds. Which, on second thought, is probably the reasons why. ;-)
5) If I don't know something, I either goo*gle or wiki it right away.
This is a really annoying habit I've developed over the last year. When I'm discussing something with Skittles and I don't know if a particular point is correct, or am wondering about something and don't know the answer, I immediately jump on the computer to research it, even if it isn't really important. It just bothers me until I know for sure what the answer is.I can do this upwards of five times a night. I'm anal that way.
6) I hated studying History in school but now that I'm older I really enjoy learning about it.
Quite possibly my hatred of History as a school subject stemmed from the fact that we were taught it in French by a teacher who - no word of a lie - looked like the missing link. And we were only taught Canadian history, which is all fine and dandy, but I find other parts of the world's (such as Europe) history to be MUCH more fascinating. I hope this interest will keep developing as I grow older!
Hope you enjoyed that :) It's now 3:30am and I'm getting a bit sleepy, as well as I'm scared of how hot this laptop is getting (the main fan is broken, so it's only running on the backup ones) so I better turn it off and get to bed.
I can relate to the Google and Wiki thing. I always do that now, and it drives my friends insane because I will suddenly halt conversation to look up something they said that I didn't know.
Many times during reading I pause to look up something. It takes me forever to get back to reading because I always look up things in the article, and then that leads me to other things. I can go from looking up the Spanish Inquisition to seeing what the rarest daffodil is.
Then I tell my friends random facts I know in regular conversation, and then I get odd looks.
I totally get the cat thing, for me it's tabby. I love the black patterns on their heads.
We often think up things we want to wiki or google but forget them before we bother getting up lol.
Sorry about your friend too. :(
I didn't have my first "relationship" with a guy that I called my boyfriend until I was 20. I went on to have a couple more... all lasted under 6 months. And the met my husband at 23. So you definitely may find the right guy some day. I wouldn't count yourself out yet. :-)
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