Saturday, May 3, 2008


Today, I moved my stuff from one place to another. Yet again ....

this makes it 10 times in 5 years (you would think I like doing it or something).

Anyway, so now I officially live with K.02's parents. It's been....interesting....ya, I think I'll go with that. It's been great though too.

I know you're all waiting with bated breath for the re-cap of my trip-as horrendeous-a while in the Don't worry, I haven't forgotten - I'm working on some maps to show you the full extent of my pain.

So that post is still coming, if you can wait just a wittle bit longer......



Heather said...

What is gonna happen with the fur babies?

And welcome to the world of in-law living! :P

sarah said...

lol, I've been staying with his parents for a month now....Molly is here with me and Elvis *was* at Shawns (with the rest of my stuff) until today - and he's going to another friends tomorrow for the month. I wish I could keep him here, I miss(ed) him! :(

Heather said...

Yeah I knew you were there lol. Why can you have Molly there and not Elvis?

sarah said...

because they already have a cat and a dog, and its easier to find someone to take care of a cat than a dog :(

Heather said...

Will you guys work towards getting a place of your own so you can get Elvis back or will you end up staying there and giving Elvis away?

Sorry for hundreds of questions btw lol.

dust and kam said...

*waiting . . . waiting . . .*


I am glad I don't live with my in-laws. :) I love 'em, but I like my space!

Kelly said...

I know that you feel the same way as me Sarah, that animals are a commitment for life - their life - not when yours starts to get difficult. I know you will be doing everything you can to find a place ASAP for you, Molly, Elvis and K.02 and that you must be miserable not having both your furbabies with you.
