Because I'm bored...
What Was I Doing 10 Years Ago?
I was in fifth grade, getting ready for Christmas in Nanaimo, B.C.. I earned my Christmas present money by chopping wood for our woodstove and also my parents gave me some money for volunteering for 3 days at the Salvation Army putting together food hampers for them to give out. It was alot of fun and at the end of it they let me put together my own hamper from the leftovers (which my mom promptly made me give back).
What Was I Doing 5 Years Ago?
I was fifteen? Yeah. So....Every weekend I was marching (I played trumpet) in all the Christmas parades for any town within a five hour drive that booked us. I hated it, mostly because I didn't make any friends (small town girls can sure be stuck-up and snobbish! wow) and being stuck with a bussful of girls aged 12-17 when you're not friends with any of them is hard. Other than that, just doing school, church, swimming and fighting with my mother. You know, the usual stuff.
What Was I Doing 1 Year Ago?
I was frantically trying to figure out what I had to do for next semester because I realized I was going to fail all my courses. Other than that, nothing. I stayed in my dorm room over Christmas break instead of going home.
What Was I Doing Yesterday?
I went over to K.02's in the morning and then got home to a note on my door from the roommate saying that the police had come and taken Molly for being too loud (also that I had a month to move out). CUE FREAKOUT. Missed my exam (but has since been fixed). I got a couple of friends to call the Humane Society and check if she's there as well as ask about the story (it seems that only by-law officers, not police, can do something like that, as well as all they can do is stick a note on your door asking you to contact them about it. So my roommates story is a bunch of horseshit, basically. I don't know what exactly happened, and I kind of don't even really care, just as long as I can get Molly back. As for the roommate issue, I'm moving in 2 weeks, flat out). Once I had gotten it all sorted, I went home and watched House M.D. and A Shot At Love with Tila Tequila and missed Molly all night. (Good news: This morning my friend e-mailed me and told me that Molly IS in the Shelter and I'm going to go pick her up later today).
5 Snacks I Enjoy:
Sliced tomatoes sprinkled with salt. Haagen Dazs Extraas ice cream, any flavour. Croutons. Ketchup chips. um....can Sprite count as a snack?
5 Things I Would Do if I Had a Million Dollars:
Buy a house. Clear my student debts. Invest/save. Give some to Skittles. Take a vacation (where for once I don't have to watch my funds!).
5 Places I Would Run Away To:
London, England. Skittles' place. Major's Hill (but only in the summer).
5 T.V. Shows I Like:
Grey's Anatomy, ER, House M.D., Mad About You. Friends, of course.
5 Things I Hate Doing:
Dishes by hand. Waking up fivesixseven times a night to pump up my bed. Leaving Molly alone. Coming over to the school if I want to use the computer. Looking for a place to live.
5 Biggest Joys of the Moment:
When Molly comes running to me with her tail wagging and when Elvis snuggles on my upper chest. Skittles' friendship. K.02's love. And the understanding my prof demonstrated as to why I missed my exam yesterday (and subsequently, allowing me to re-sit the exam).
*hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs*
who's heart is so sad for you right now and so mad at your stinky roommate!
Who complained about the noise to begin with? They coulda been more constructive and asked if they can take her for a walk for you or have her over to play!
I like this quiz thingo lol, I might have a go at it when I'm next bored.
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