Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ay Crumba


I started a cold sore last night, which means there's absolutely no hanky-panky for me (kissing and all) until it's cleared up. Major boo.

Motor in my inflatable mattress is dead, which means its official - I'm sleeping on the floor for the 3rd time in 5 months. Grrreat. My back is sure going to love me when I'm fifty.

I randomly bruised the bottom of my left foot yesterday, which is making it kind of painful to walk on.

Realized that Molly had an accident on my duvet cover. twice. Well, it was time to do the laundry anyways.

Go to do the laundry. Realize I'm 30 cents short for the dryer, and the minimum to load your card is 10$. Which I'm missing, oh, about $8.50.

So right now my clothes are hang-drying in the bathroom and on the bar-area of the kitchen. But I, smart girl that I am, washed my towels. Which are now soaking wet. Which means I can't take a shower.....

Ay yi yi. It's only 10:30 and this day is turning out to be a bad one.

One happy note though:
I woke up to Elvis next to me with one paw on my arm......and Molly on the small of my back. Awwww.

edit: Amazing what the kindness of a friend & the simple lending of 20$ does for a person. My roommate is transferring 20$ into my account - that covers the laundry, some food, and toliet paper (which I'm totally out of!). And the person who gave me Molly is stopping by later to give me some deworming stuff for her, free. And K.02 agreed to come over for 2 to give me a leash for her as well as a few other random things. So maybe today won't be so bad after all......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your entry reminded me of a Katie Melua song

"Human kindness,
is overflowing,
and I think it's going,
to rain today"

Sure is raining human kindness in your part of Canada at the moment. Yay for people who care and have good hearts!

*touch wood* I've never had a cold sore......I hope that didn't just tempt fate!