Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You Know....

You know you've reached adulthood

......when your Friday night plans include babysitting your friends 11.5 month old baby girl overnight instead of going to a bar.


PS: Anyone have any tips on how I'm going to pull this off?


dust and kam said...

Fun!! We actually ended up tending twins overnight a few times this last month. It was pretty fun!

You'll be fine. Feed, sleep, change diaper, play toys. Got that down, you'll be good!! :)

Have fun!

sarah said...

can you believe this is my first babysitting job - ever?

yeah....how do you change a diaper? :S

Heather said...

Will the baby be awake or asleep when you arrive?

dust and kam said...

First? You WILL have fun! :)

Here you go!

Good Luck! :)

sarah said...

Baby is being dropped off at 8pm, after dinner and bathtime. Her mom did say she's a night owl though...