Friday, August 15, 2008

Eight things

From Heather, who wants me to do this, and Kamie, who did it in the first place.

8 TV Shows I Love to Watch: Friends, Flashpoint, House MD, Criminal Minds, ER, Grey's, Heroes.

8 Restaurants I Love: The Keg, Red Lobster, Tucker's Marketplace, any Chinese place, Wendy's (does that count?), any Vietnamese place that serves Pho, 2-for-1 pizza, Marroush's.

8 Things that Happened Today:
Got shot in the arm, filled out a withdrawal form, got 4 months of no-baby medicine, watched Olympics, drank five alcoholic beverages, yelled at teh cat & dog to stop fighting/playing, cleaned up dog puke, played the Sims.

8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
Getting a job, seeing Michael Phelps go for 7, cuddling with Keith, watching Flashpoint, not spending Christmas alone for the first time in 5 years, maybe my dad visiting this fall, getting to 1-year with Keith, getting engaged (or promised).

8 Things I Love about Summer:
No snow, afternoon showers, long days, air-conditioning, outdoor swimming, summer Olympics, thunder&lightening storms, Farmers Markets.

8 Olympic Events I Want to See/or Have Seen:
Gymnastics, swimming, dressage, synchronized diving, shotput, weightlifting, soccer, field hockey.

8 Things on My Wish List:
Tattoo, see Keith complete another course, finish my own program, tomatoes, lose weight, get a job, behaviour training for Molly.

8 People I Want to do this Survey:
Whoever wants to. Heather pretty much named them all, so. OH. I add Jess. And Michelle.


Heather said...

Dressage bores the crap out of me lol. Mind you I do like when the horses do the pretty slow motion trot.

weedze said...

Dressage has got to be the worst sport out there. id rather watch paint dry

dust and kam said...

I don't even know what dressage is. :P Time to google.